Category Archives: BHAG’s

Otherwise known as “Big Hairy Ass Goals”.

Launch Day!

Launch day only requires two outcomes in order to be an unqualified success; (1) the boat floats and (2) the engine starts. Everything else is details. By those measures we had a good day on Friday, April 30. I wanted … Continue reading

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On Board Celtic Cross in 2021

April used to be the month when I pulled my wetsuit out and headed for an open water swim in Trout Lake to prep for the American Triple T triathlon. I still remember standing on the shores of Turkey Creek … Continue reading

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2021: The Practice Year

It’s (finally) 2021! Vaccines are here (I’m getting mine tomorrow!) and we can begin to return to some kind of a normal existence. I am already getting really wound up for spring, the return of warm weather, and being able … Continue reading

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Sweetwater Cruising & Crew Development

It can be safely stated that no one will miss everything that was the year of 2020. Except maybe Jeff Bezos… I looked back at my post a year ago where I set out my goals for 2020 and I … Continue reading

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August 13 The Erie Canal

The Erie Canal cuts off about 1,500 nautical miles of sailing up around Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, but it exacts a cost of its own. The 130 mile run up the Hudson River to the beginning of the Erie … Continue reading

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The Hudson River – Family Vacations in the Corona Virus World

It turns out that this is a really great year to buy a boat. On this leg of moving Celtic Cross back to Michigan five of us, (brother Larry and his wife Prudence, son Michael, and nephew Arthur Wood) all … Continue reading

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Finally! Heading North Once Again

It feels good. Just the ability to get out and do something… anything in this train wreck of a year. I’m approaching this segment with at least a little trepidation. At over 600 nautical miles it is our longest offshore … Continue reading

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On the Road Again

Assessing risk has become our new national pastime. Opinions on what is acceptable risk range from Speaker Pelosi’s ongoing mantra “People will die!!” to the opposite extreme of assuming that we can continue on with our normal lives because nothing … Continue reading

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Hunkered Down in South Carolina

One month ago I had just cancelled my flight and chose to drive home in a rental car from Charleston, SC. I was having trouble wrapping my head around what had occurred in the five days brother James and I … Continue reading

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We Make Plans & God Laughs

Well, I was as surprised as anyone. My brother, his friend Ricardo, and I cast off from Fort Lauderdale, FL on March 11, 2020. We flew into Ft Lauderdale the day before using what was then the appropriate precautions. A … Continue reading

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