Category Archives: BHAG’s

Otherwise known as “Big Hairy Ass Goals”.

Cast Off and Point the Bow North

Passagemaking is a much different feeling than daysailing.  Go out for a daysail and if things don’t go right… well, you just cut the day short and head back to port.  Casting off for a passage is different.  It’s a … Continue reading

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Shoot…! This is getting Real!

What do they say? Failing to plan is simply planning to fail.  Nothing of consequence gets done without planning.  So… I’m coming up on a year since I set my sights on sailing across the Atlantic.  Like any BHAG (Big Hairy Ass Goal), as you take … Continue reading

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How Do You Eat an Elephant? … One Bite at a Time.

Six months. Time for an update. I thought I might be biting off quite a bit when I decided at the beginning of the year that I wanted to sail across the Atlantic. For starters. What do you know? This … Continue reading

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Now That I Have Another Quarter Century

Never have been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. A little too trite for my taste. The intent is certainly honorable since most involve striving to improve yourself in some way. However, I have always much favored BHAG’s, or Big … Continue reading

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